Tuesday, April 24, 2018

On St George's Day...

...the History Walkers gathered near London Bridge for a special Walk. We had a good group, and it was a perfect evening - cool and pleasant after too much heat in the previous days. As we walked down Southwark Street towards the river, one of those new sort-of-like-TV-in-the-street noticeboards flashed up three words "IT'S A BOY!" : a new prince on this most appropriate day.

...and then at the Borough Market we encountered a St George, a Dragon, and a girl dressed as Brittania - great fun, and we gave them a round of applause and some of the Walkers wanted to pose with them for pohotographs...

At St Magnus the Martyr we enjoyed the shelter of the wide porch and pondered the long history of London - King Lud, Romans, Saxons, Vikings, Normans...and as I was taking us through the centuries, beals pealed out across the City, perhaps for Evensong, or St George, or  maybe just evening practice...anyway it all matched our mood.

It was a perfect History Walk, and afterwards I enjoyed a long talkative drink with a couple of young Walkers.  We found, by chance, the absolutely perfect pub (cosy,  old, NO NOISY MUSIC!) and the evening was rounded off with exactly the sort of good cheer that St George's Day merits.

1 comment:

  1. "Cry God for Harry, England and St. George!" Lovely way to celebrate St. George's Day.
