Thursday, February 09, 2017


...that the Lefevbrists will be reconciled to the own contacts have been telling me this for some while - indeed I thought it would happen last year. We must hope that, having banished their more extreme and weird members, they will become good Catholics.At least we can pray they will stop saying insulting things about  St John Paul the Great, against whom they railed loudly for years. Their anger there was partly what made them blind to the need to be part of the Church...but with his canonisation a certain statement has been made against which their railing could only fade away.

The report I received last year was that they now feel that there is nothing to stop them returning. In a sense, this has always been true: but for their own pride, they could have submitted to the Church long ago. But I think they feel an affinity with Pope Francis - in many ways, their approach is his. A certain relish for random statements,  an apparent enjoyment in clashing with opponents and a tendency to denounce opposition in passionate terms...I think they find a sense of fellow-feeling.In any case, if they come back, some of them at least may find some peace and can journey in faith along with the Church rather than prowling outside...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:19 pm

    Auntie censoring my comments again....
