Sunday, March 08, 2015


...and as I arrived at London Bridge with half an hour to spare before Mass, I walked along by the river.,...the tide was out, and the wide beach revealed so many hints of history, fragments of this and that, an old jetty long soaked in mud, some chunks of masonry that were once part of some dockside structure. A pleasure boat chugged by, with the announcer's voice coming across the water, telling people about Blackfriars and the Oxo Tower, and Shakespeare's Globe Theatre...

On to the Church of the Most Precious Blood for Mass.Afterwards, we had the parish Annual Meeting - as per Anglican Patrimony and the Ordinariate and all that...the news is good, the parish is on track for mission,  numbers at Mass are rising (an extra Mass has had to be added during the past year), there was talk of  how we'll  celebrate the feast of the Precious Blood  in July...discussion about encouraging people to come to Adoration on the First Friday of every month and, more prosaically, about the new floor now that the heating has been installed...

Later, over a pub lunch, much talk and other ideas about what could and should be done: Papa Benedict gave the Ordinariate a mission, and there is a great deal of love and enthusiasm in response...

Spent the rest of the afternoon with a beloved elderly relative, comfortably settled back in the (Catholic) care home where she lives, and where her family feel absolutely at home too. I sat sewing and chatting, my elderly relative enjoyed buttered toast and freshly-made soup, and there was a buzz of friendly talk and swapping of news.

On the bus home I finished the cross-stitch work on hassock I've been making, which will join others at this church.

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